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Aiuta il Centro Culturale Handala Ali

Una campagna di
Handala Ali


Una campagna di
Handala Ali

Aiuta il Centro Culturale Handala Ali

Campagna terminata
  • Raccolti € 1.410,00
  • Sostenitori 40
  • Scadenza Terminato
  • Modalità Donazione semplice  
  • Categoria Comunità & sociale

Una campagna di 
Handala Ali


Il Progetto


"Sono Ali di Handala”

Ripartiamo da queste parole di Ali per portare avanti un progetto che ha radici profonde. 
Per raccontarvi una storia iniziata tanti anni fa e a cui vogliamo dare un seguito. 

È la storia di Ali e della Palestina.

È la storia di chi vive la mancanza ma che continua a lottare con amore per il ritorno.

È una storia in divenire, in cui noi vogliamo esserci. 

Nasce così il "Centro Culturale Handala Ali", un'associazione socioculturale no-profit che vuole continuare a promuovere con impegno i valori e gli ideali incarnati dal nostro Ali, difendendo la causa palestinese e al tempo stesso quella di tutti i popoli oppressi, affinché i loro diritti non vengano cancellati.  

Questa campagna di crowdfunding servirà a raccogliere fondi  per permettere all'associazione di  coprire le spese iniziali di 10000 europer la gestione di uno spazio che accolga iniziative sociali e culturali. Realizzeremo progetti prestando particolare attenzione alla narrazione storica della Palestina, rivolgendo altresì lo sguardo alla letteratura, alla cucina e alla musica tradizionale.

Il nostro impegno è volto ad incentivare il dialogo tra i popoli e ad offrire un sostegno concreto a Gaza e ai Territori Occupati, la cui già critica condizione è oggi aggravata dalla diffusione del virus Covid-19.

Tu ci aiuterai? In qualsiasi modo vorrai sostenerci il tuo contributo sarà essenziale

Biografia di Ali:

Chiunque abbia camminato nei pressi della piazzetta antistante la vecchia sede dell’Università Orientale (di fronte il Palazzo Giusso in largo Banchi Nuovi) si sarà imbattuto nel bazar multietnico Handala di Ali Oraney. Sicuramente attirato dagli splendidi colori dei prodotti orientali, sarà poi stato rapito dalle innumerevoli chiacchierate di Ali sulla Palestina.
Ali nasce nel 1959 a Beit Nuba, un villaggio che non esiste più sulla mappa, cancellato dai bulldozer israeliani nell'invasione del 1967, la Naksa, la seconda catastrofe. All'età di otto anni, durante la guerra del 1967, Ali viene cacciato insieme alla propria famiglia e costretto a rifugiarsi in Giordania dove porterà avanti gli studi. Si reca in seguito in Italia, stabilendosi inizialmente a Salerno e poi a Napoli dove, sin dal suo arrivo, non ha mai smesso di lavorare per la propria causa e per poter rivedere un giorno la Palestina, negatagli per tutta la sua vita. Allo stesso tempo ha lottato contro le disparità sociali a fianco dei più deboli impegnandosi socialmente nella città.
Ali era il portavoce palestinese di Napoli, è stato uno dei pilastri delle organizzazioni studentesche in Italia e in particolare della comunità palestinese di Napoli e della Campania. È stato uno dei fondatori dell'Unione Democratica Arabo-Palestinese (UDAP) e un sostegno fondamentale del Centro Documentazione Palestinese.
Il suo negozio era un punto di ritrovo per molti dove, tra una lampada e l’altra, tra i mille piatti di ceramica e il suo autentico tè, Ali ci raccontava della sua amata terra, vittima di abusi e soprusi.
Noi non permetteremo che la sua scomparsa porti il silenzio. Noi vogliamo raccontare, perché il suo Amore non morirà Mai. 


"I am Ali of Handala"

These are the simple words used by Ali Oraney Handala to start each and all of his speeches. Ali, beloved figure of the Italian community of Palestinian refugees, died of Covid-19 on September 25th 2020.

To realize a project with deep roots, we need to restart from these words.

To tell you a story began many years ago but that we want to continue.

It is the story of Ali and Palestine.

It is the story of those who feel the sorrow of loss but who continue to fight with love to return.

It is a story in the making, and in which we want to be involved.

It will be the story of the "Handala Ali Cultural Center", a non-profit ngo committed to continue promoting the values and ideals embodied by our dear Ali who never stopped defending the Palestinian cause and championing the fight of all oppressed peoples.

The center will welcome all kinds of social and cultural initiatives. Paying particular attention at how the history of Palestine is narrated, and featuring prominently Palestinian literature, cusine and traditional musics. Our goal is ignite the dialogue among the masses and to offer tangible support to Gaza and the Occupied Territories, whose already critical condition it today made worse by the Covid-19 emergency. The goal of this crowdfunding campaign is to cover the initial € 10000 needed to start our activities.

Will you help us? We will be thankful for each and all contributions, no donation is too small.

Ali’s Biography:

Anyone who walked the bustling streets of Naples Old Town will have stumbled upon the multi-ethnic Ali

Oraney Handala’s bazaar. Attracted by the picturesque colors of his products, rigorously from Palestine, will then have been captivated by Ali's countless stories about his beloved Palestine.

Ali was born in 1959 in Beit Nuba, a village no longer on the map, wiped out by

Israeli bulldozers in the 1967 invasion, the second Nakba or catastrophe. At the age of

eight, during the 1967 war, Ali and his family were expelled from Palestine and forced to take refuge in

Jordan where he continued his studies. He later arrived in Italy, initially settling in Salerno

and then Naples. Since his arrival, Ali never stopped working for the freedom of his people. His dream, denied to him until the last day of his life, was to return one day to Palestine. But Ali wasn’t only about Palestine. Ali fought steadfastly alongside the most underprivileged groups of society to overcome social inequalities and injustices.

He was one of the pillars of student organizing in Italy and in particular of the Neapolitan Palestinian community. Ali was the Palestinian spokesperson for Naples, he was one of the founders of the Arab-Palestinian Democrat Union (UDAP) and a key supporter of the Palestinian Documentation Center.

His bazaar was a meeting point for so many. In between lamps, thousands of ceramic plates and his authentic palestinian tea, Ali told us all about his beloved land, victim of abuse and injustice. At 64, on September 25th 2020, Ali died of Covid. We will not allow his passing to bring silence. We will continue telling his stories, sharing his love for freedom and Palestine, because his spirit will never die.


"انا حنظله علي،ومن انت عزيزي؟"
لنحمل هذه الكلمات ، كلمات علي ونسير إلى الأمام بمشروع ذو جذور عميقه، لنسرد لكم قصه بدأت من سنوات طويله حيث نريد لها الإستمرار
هي قصة علي وقصة فلسطين
قصة كل انسان عاش الألم ،المعاناه ،الوحده،السفر والغربه،لكن رغم هذا إستمر في النضال والحب
هي قصه مستمرة وفيها ومعها نريد أن نكون
انبثقت فكرة " مركز حنظله علي الثقافي" ، كجمعيه ثقافيه غير مريحه تهدف إلى إحياء المبادئ والالتزام بالفكرة التي ميزت صديقنا علي
لان حبه لن يموت أبدا
حمله التبرع هذه تهدف إلى جمع المال للمساعده في إنشاء جمعيه حديثه والتغطية مشاريعها الأولية اللازمة الاداره المقر وعمل النشاطات فيه
سنبدأ مشاريعنا بسرد قصص فلسطين من تاريخها حتى آدابها ، مرورا برائحة الطعام الفلسطيني المميز والموسيقى الشعبيه، وكلنا إصرار على تقديم النشاطات التي سوف تميز " مركز حنظله علي الثقافي" ومنها حملة تبرعات لدعم اهلنا في فلسطين كافه حيث الوضع الصعب والجرح هناك يزداد تعقيدا يوما بعد يوم بسبب إنتشار فيروس كوفيد_١٩
هل يساعدنا ؟

علي :
اي شخص مر بالقرب من جامعه "الأورينتالي" في مركز نابولي ، لا بد وانه لمح بازار "حنظله" متعدد الثقافات لعلي العوراني ، وقد جذب من ألوان الممتلكات الفلسطينيه الجميله، ومن ثم لتجد نفسك تتبادل الحديث عن فلسطين مع علي، الناطق الفلسطيني في مدينه نابولي
ولد علي عام ١٩٥٩م في بيت نوبا، قريه تم مسحها عن الخارطه، من قبل البولدوزرات الإسرائيلية انا " النكسه" عام ١٩٦٧ م
في الثامنه من عمره، اضطر اللجوء مع عائلته إلى الأردن حيث تابع دراسته هناك
قدم الى ايطاليا الدراسة وأقام أولا في مدينه ساليرنو ومن ثم استقر في مدينة نابولي
كان من الأركان الأساسية للمنظمات الطلابية في ايطاليا اولا، ومن نشطاء الحاليه الفلسطينيه في مدينه نابولي واقليمها كامبانيا ثانيا، وليس آخرا كان من مؤسسين الأتحاد الديمقراطي العربي الفلسطيني في ايطاليا (أوداب) ، وساهم بشكل هام في المركز الفلسطيني التأريخ في مدينة روما
كان بازار نقطة التقاء لكثير من الناس في نابولي حيث كان علي يحدثنا عن ارضه الحبيبه،ضحية السلب والظلم واللاعدالة
لن نسمح بأن غيابه عنا يجلب الصمت أو السكون
سوف نتابع الحديث والسرد


“Je suis Ali de Handala.” 

À partir de ces mots de Ali on va continuer un projet dont les racines sont profondes, 

pour vous raconter une histoire qui a commencé il y a longtemps à laquelle on veut donner suite. 

C'est l'histoire de Ali et de la Palestine. 

C'est l'histoire de tous ceux qui ont vécu l’absence mais qui continuent à se battre avec amour pour le retour.

C'est une histoire en devenir à laquelle on veut être présent.                                                                                                                                                                                       

Ainsi le  "Centre Culturel Handala Ali" est né: une association à but non lucratif qui souhaite garder en vie l'engagement et les idéaux de notre Ali, tout en diffusant la cause palestinienne et de tous les peuples opprimés, afin que leurs droits ne soient pas annulés.

Cette campagne de financement participatif servira à financer les frais initiaux de gestion d'un espace et à organiser différentes activités sociales et culturelles. On va commencer par des projets pour raconter la Palestine en passant par l'histoire et la littérature, par la cuisine traditionnelle jusqu'à la musique. Notre engagement vise à encourager le dialogue entre les peuples et à soutenir concrètement Gaza et les Territoires Occupés, dont la condition déjà critique est aujourd'hui exacerbé par la diffusion du virus Covid-19. 

Et toi, vas-tu nous aider? Toute contribution sera essentielle.

Biographie de Ali:

Quiconque s’étant aventuré près de la petite place de l'ancien siège de l'Université de Naples "L'Orientale" (rue Candelora - Banchi Nuovi) serait tombé sur le bazar Handala de Ali Oraney. Attiré probablement par les merveilleuses couleurs des produits palestiniens, pour finir par discuter autour de la Palestine avec Ali. 
Ali est né à Beit Nuba, un village qui désormais n'existe plus sur la carte à cause des bulldozers israéliens qui l'ont rasé pendant l'invasion du 1967, la Naksa, la deuxième catastrophe. À l'âge de 8 ans il était obligé à s'enfuire avec sa famille en Jordanie où il poursuivra ses études. Il se rend ensuite en Italie, à Salerne puis à Naples où il n’a jamais  cessé de travailler pour revoir un jour la Palestine, qui lui a été refusée jusqu’à la fin de ses jours. En plus, Ali a lutté contre les inégalités sociales aux côtés des groups plus faibles de la société. 
Ali était le porte-parole de la Palestine à Naples. Il a été l'un des piliers des organisations étudiantes en Italie, de la communauté palestinienne à Naples et de toute la région Campanie. En plus, il a été l'un des fondateurs de l'Union Democratique Arabo-Palestinien (UDAP) et un appui fondamental du Centre de Documentation Palestinien. 
Son magasin était un lieu de rencontre pour tout le monde où Ali nous parlait de son pays bien-aimé, victime d'abus et d’injustices. On ne peut se permettre de réduire sa mort au le silence. On veut continuer à raconter son histoire, parce que son Amour ne mourra Jamais. 

Commenti (4)

Per commentare devi fare
  • DC
    Daniele Palestina libera!
    • GM
      Gennaro Lunga vita al C.C. Handala Ali
      • avatar
        Emma Ali', amico mio, ti aiuteremo!
        • tt
          tiziana Ringrazio sentitamente chi ha preso l'iniziativa di costituire un centro che continui il lavoro del nostro caro Ali. Vi auguro buon lavoro e contate su di me per sviluppare il centro.