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Be Bonobo On Tour

Una campagna di
Be Bonobo


Una campagna di
Be Bonobo

Be Bonobo On Tour

Campagna terminata
  • Raccolti € 60,00
  • Sostenitori 3
  • Scadenza Terminato
  • Modalità Raccogli tutto  
  • Categoria Arte & cultura

Una campagna di 
Be Bonobo


Il Progetto

Dicono dei Bonobi

Gli scienziati sostengono che i Bonobi sono scimmie pacifiche. Usano l'empatia al posto  della dominazione e l' amore al posto della violenza. Sulla scia di questo condividono il cibo più che competere per esso.
Tendono alla risoluzione dei conflitti più che lalla lotta. Ne risulta che i Bonobi vivano cooperando e traendo piacere dalla vita comunitaria.
Ispirati da questo stile di vita abbiamo fondato il progetto e la community BonoboBerlin.
♥ Il Nostro Motto: BeBonobo ♥

 Cosa facciamo

In quanto volontari Bonobo all'intero di una residenza di artisti, siamo riusciti a recuperare e salvare il cibo in eccedenza, a riciclarlo e a condividerlo. Per più di due anni ormai, abbiamo accolto i nostri visitatori per condividere con loro del buon cibo, principi amorosi e felici eventi artistici, come jam session e concerti, teatro, performances, cinema ecc..
♥ Il Bonobo supporta l'arte e l'Arte supporta i Bonobi ♥

Il piano
Ai Bonobi piace fare spettacolo e spargere la loro voce. Quindi non sorprende che, ispirati dalle curiose scimmie, per noi è giunto il momento di lasciare la giungla berlinese e scoprire nuove terre.
Prossima destinazione: Italia
 ♥ L'itinerario del viaggio ♥
Il Be Bonobo On Tour è iniziato ufficialmente domenica 24 Aprile 2017 partendo da Berlino  con direzione Codigoro, in provincia di Ferrara e lentamente viaggiando verso ovest. Intorno alla metà di  maggio saremo in Piemonte per poi dirigerci verso sud. Trascorrendo l'estate in Italia ci auguriamo di trasmettere e condividere il nostro stile di vita sociale, artistico ed ecosostenibile.

Per realizzare questo viaggio:

Crowdfunding Goals & estimated costs

♥ 1. TRAGUARDO: “Macchina a Puzzette, aka CaccaMobil”♥
Desideriamo alimentare i nostri mezzi con bio-gas per viaggiare in modo ecosostenibile. Ma non vogliamo soltanto usare il biogas, desideriamo anche produrlo noi stessi ed essere cosí, in un certo senso, ancora più ecosostenibili e indipendenti.
Il cerchio della “Macchina a Puzzette”

Dal buon cibo ai rifiuti di valore → dai rifiuti di valore al gas → dal gas all'indipendenza
dall'indipendenza a eventi d'arte alla recupera del cibo → dalla recupera del cibo alla gioia e buon cibo → dal buon cibo ai rifiuti di valore e avanti così :)  
La felicita' e' il nostro profitto.

Trasformare la macchina a benzina in macchina a biogas ~ 1.500/2000 €
Bidoni per i rifiuti ~ 150 €
Compressore ~ 3500€
Convertitore ~ 300€
Tubi, filtri, aspirazione e simili ~ 200€? (nessuno l'ha mai fatto: dovemo scoprirlo!)
 In tutto: ~7000€

 ♥2. TRAGUARDO: “Mantenimento del camion” ♥
Revisione~ 500€
Riparature: ~200€
2 nuove gomme (di sei) ~300€
In tutto: ~ 1,000€

♥ 3. TRAGUARDO: “Incrementare la distribuzione del cibo” ♥
Creare una cucina mobile (incl. trasporto, immatricolazione, revisione, riparature) ~600€
Materiale costruzione del carrello-cucina:~250€
2 bombole a gas:~70€
Materiali tecnici:~30€
In tutto: ~1,000€

♥ 4. TRAGUARDO: “Bonobo View” Produzione video e notizie ♥
Proiettore da viaggio:~300€
SSD Hard Drive:~100€
2 Extra batterie per la teleamera:~40€
Stazione internet mobile:~50€
In tutto: ~500€

♥ 5. TRAGUARDO: Recuper-arte alla Bonobo ♥
200 vinili usati:~100€
20 colori:~150€
materiale vario:~20€
In tutto:~270€

♥ 6. TRAGUARDO: “La terra non promessa” Una nuova casa Bonoba ♥
Upon starting the BonoboBerlin in 2014, our first approach to gain more freedom was by attempting to unconditionally answer the basic need (that any organism has) to eat.
Making food a non-limited resource was therefore the beginning of our transformation.

Making space a non-limited resource 
to share cultural and artistic contents is our next challenge.
We Bonobos are—just like our monkey role models—very optimistic. We believe that even if such a habitat does not yet exist (and nobody has promised it), we can find and create it.
It will be the creation of a new home and a second, grown and developed version of
our social-art-space-jungle-dream.


About  Bonobos

Scientists say Bonobos are peaceful apes. They practice empathy instead of dominance, and love instead of violence. Along those lines, they share food rather than competing for it.

They resolve conflicts by loving rather than fighting. As a result, Bonobos live cooperatively and enjoy being together.
Inspired by this lifestyle we founded the BonoboBerlin project and community.

♥ Our motto:  BeBonobo 

What we do

As Bonobo volunteers in an artists’ residence, we successfully rescue food from being wasted, upcycle and share it. For more than two years now, we have been welcoming our visitors to share our tasty food, loving principles and joyful art events, such as jam sessions and concerts, theater, performances, cinema, and more.

Bonobo supports art and art supports Bonobos

The Plan

Bonobos love to perform and spread their voice. Therefore, it is not surprising that—inspired by the curious ape—the time has come for us to leave the Berlin jungle and discover new lands.

Next destination: Italy.

Travel Route ♥

The BeBonobo on Tour officially started on Sunday, April 24th from Berlin to Codigoro in de Delta Park (Ferrara) and will slowly move west. In the second half of May we’ll probably be in Piemonte, and go south by June. Spending the summer in Italy, we wish to spread our social, artistic and environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Follow us on our virtual map:


To realize this journey...

Crowdfunding Goals & estimated costs

♥ 1. GOAL: “Macchina a Puzzette  aka.  CaccaMobil” ♥

We want to drive on natural gasto travel in an environmentally friendly way. But not only do we want to drive on natural gas, we want to produce it

—and in that way be even more sustainable and independent.

The circle of “Macchina a Puzzette

From tasty meals to valuable shit → from valuable shit to gas → from gas to independence

→ from independence to art events and food rescue → from art events and food rescue to joy and tasty meals→ from tasty meals to valuable shit and so on :) :) :) Joyis our benefit.

Transformation of car from running on fuel to running on natural gas ~1,500/2000€
Canister for shit ~150€
Compressor ~ 3500€
Converter ~ 300€
Pipes, filters, insulation and the like~ 200€? (Nobody did it before – we'll have to find out...)

all in all: ~ 7000€

♥ 2. GOAL: “Maintenance of Firetruck” ♥

2 new wheels (out of six) ~300€

All in all: ~ 1,000€

♥ 3. GOAL: “Improvement of Food Service” ♥

Creation of mobile kitchen (incl. transport, registration, TÜV, reparation)~600€
Material costs for kitchen case:~250€
2 gas bottles:~70€
Technical needs:~30€

All in all: ~1,000€

♥ 4. GOAL: “Bonobo View” Film Production & News ♥

Mobile Projector:~300€
SSD Hard Drive:~100€
2 Extra Camera Batteries:~40€
Mobile Internet:~50€

All in all: ~500€

♥ 5. GOAL: Upcycled  Bonobo  Art ♥

200 Used vinyls:~100€
20 Colours:~150€
Other materials:~20€

All in all:~270€

♥ 6. GOAL: “The Non-Promised Land” New  Bonobo  Home ♥

Upon starting the BonoboBerlin in 2014, our first approach to gain more freedom was by attempting to unconditionally answer the basic need (that any organism has) to eat.
Making food a non-limited resource was therefore the beginning of our transformation.

Making space a non-limited resource

to share cultural and artistic contents is our next challenge.
We Bonobos are—just like our monkey role models—very optimistic. We believe that even if such a habitat does not yet exist (and nobody has promised it), we can find and create it.

It will be the creation of a new home and a second, grown and developed version of

our social-art-space-jungle-dream.

To learn more about how a fertile Bonobo habitat can look, what we need and what we give, check the link below:


Ways to support us and our cause

♥ Give financial and/or material support ♥

If you give us what you don't need.

We'll make something tasty, useful, joyful or energetic out of it.

Good to know: We have a special reward for your gift of 5000€:

Mobility is very dear to us and gives us independence. Our wheeled family members Adelina (food-rescue & moving stage-firetruck), Gerda (rolling treehouse & film studio), Elfride (creative work space), Gala (cabinet of curiosities) and Faun (baby-nest) got company. A beautiful red kitchen trailer is the youngest member of our clan and still needs a name. Be the lucky one to choose a name and make history! :)

♥ Host the  Bonobo  Show ♥

Enjoy us at your place. Boost your event, festival, open-air, club or social projects with the Bonobo way or make suggestions for public areas where “loud busking” would be welcome. We are self-sufficient and can perform from our moving stage (the rooftop of our firetruck) or in any indoor hall. We believe in spontaneous cooperation. The possibility to collect donations is therefore very much appreciated.

♥ Follow and subscribe ♥

Follow us on our website, subrscibe to our Youtube-Channel and like us on facebook.

♥ Spread the Word ♥

Let your friends and family get to know us.
Everybody should get the chance to feel and be a bit more Bonobo :P

♥ Join ♥

If you now realize that you've fallen in love with us and our cause, feel free to release your inner Bonobo, follow our adventures (live and online)
and live our lifestyle – wherever you are.

BeBonobo  ♥ The Tasty Art of Living

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