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The objective of the video game Flappy Bird is for players to take control of a little bird and guide it through a complex network of pipes that contain gaps. It is necessary to have accurate timing and synchronization in order to accomplish the goal of passing through the gaps without colliding with the pipes or the ground above. An individual receives a point for successfully passing through a gap, and the objective of the game is to acquire the highest possible score.
Flappy Bird is characterized by a high level of difficulty, which is one of its more distinguishing features. The gameplay of the game is notoriously difficult, and players frequently find themselves struggling to keep the bird flying while avoiding the obstacles placed in their path. The upshot of this was that a lot of players became addicted to the game, and they started striving to beat their own high scores or the high scores of other players, and they shared their accomplishments on social media.
The simplistic graphics of Flappy Bird, which included pixel art and simple animations, contributed to the game's vintage and nostalgic atmosphere. This was another reason why the game was particularly popular. The designer of the game, Dong Nguyen, eventually pulled Flappy Bird from the app stores in 2014. He rationalized his decision by pointing out the game's addictive quality as well as the detrimental effect it had on his life. The popularity of the game and its legacy remained, however, as a result of the countless clones and spin-offs that were developed by other creators.
Flappy Bird is frequently regarded as a cultural phenomenon that captivated the attention of millions of players all over the world, despite the fact that its gameplay was difficult and irritating. As a result of the fact that it has spurred discussions about game design, addiction, and the influence of mobile games on mental health, it is an entry in the history of mobile gaming that is remarkable and memorable.
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Buona salute: garantire una vita sana e promuovere il benessere di tutti a tutte le età.
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