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Custom Magic Booster Pocket 6K

Una campagna di


Una campagna di

Custom Magic Booster Pocket 6K

Custom Magic Booster Pocket 6K

Campagna terminata
  • Raccolti € 44.132,00
  • Obiettivo € 25.000,00
  • Sostenitori 66
  • Scadenza Terminato
  • Modalità Raccogli tutto  
  • Categoria Design & tecnologia

Una campagna di 


Il Progetto

Did you buy a Blackmagic Pocket 6K camera and did you hear about the Magic Booster on Kickstarter too late?
Don't despair, now you have a second and last chance to get it with special price!

Fundraising on Kickstarter for the pre-order of the Magic Booster Pocket 6K was a great success, over $65,000 was collected which allowed me to overproduce 80 pieces that will be shipped in the next 30 days with the Kickstarter pre-orders.

What advantages do you get with the Magic Booster Pocket 6K?

With the special Magic Booster focal reducer turn your Black Magic Pocket 6K to full frame look camera!

Your new Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera have APS-C sensor and 1.5 crop factor, with Magic Booster Pocket 6K you can get:

1) 1 stop increase;

2) full compatibility with Canon EOS FF lenses;

3) predisposition for interchangeable ND filters 2-4-8;

4) removable focal reducer lens;

5) new improved UV-IR cut filter;

6) full Ergal 7075 body.

Don't miss this opportunity!

The Magic Booster is not an adapter ring that attaches to the camera body, but is a group of lenses that fits inside the camera, becoming totally invisible, keeping all the original camera controls, there are no delays or firmware compatibility lens problems.

It only works with Full Frame lenses. Lenses built for APS-C cameras will vignetting at the corners!

The Magicbooster Pocket 6K it's not just a digital design, it is a real and fully functional product!

Looking for more information? Send me a message or check the project FAQ

Examples of videos shot with the Magic Booster on Blackmagic cameras:

Commenti (62)

Per commentare devi fare
  • LL
    Landon Are these still shipping in January? I haven't gotten any shipping notification yet.
    • avatar
      luca Hi Landon, the units are almost all ready to be shipped. You will soon receive the tracking number. Thank you.
      5 anni, 1 mesi fa
    • avatar
      luca DHL 4452693313
      5 anni, 1 mesi fa
  • MZ
    Marco Hi! Thank you so much for this product, I'm in the US (California) and wondering when it will start shipping. Do I need to send you additional information? The address should be the same as the one in my purchase info. Thanks again!
    • avatar
      luca Hi Marco, they will all be dispatched in January.
      5 anni, 2 mesi fa
  • avatar
    Retinal Substance LLC I have yet to be contacted to get my shipping address. Please let me know where to contact you with it.
    • avatar
      luca send your shipping address to ecoideesrls@gmail.com The shipping will start after 15th.
      5 anni, 2 mesi fa
  • MZ
    Marco I hope everything goes well! Thanks for this product!
    • avatar
      Nikolas Please send me raly Fast :D 5-6 jaguar I have big production. I can recommend you
      • NW
        Nathan Hey, I'm from Australia, I couldn't select the correct providence. Please email me if you need my address again haha. Thanks Luc, You're the man!!
        • avatar
          Tyler Looking Forward to this!
          • GM
            GREGORY hi i dont have enough money, can i pay half and pay balance later
            • BH
              Bastian Great, looking forward to!
              • avatar
                Damon How easy / quick is it to remove the booster? Can this be done without tools or quickly on set? Thanks!


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