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Una campagna di
Michele Domenico Cristoforo


Una campagna di
Michele Domenico Cristoforo



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  • Categoria Libri & editoria

Una campagna di 
Michele Domenico Cristoforo


Il Progetto

Sono il Prof Michele Domenico Cristoforo insegnate d' inglese e appassionato di poesia. Nel corso degli anni ho composto innumerevoli poesie in inglese, spinto dall'amore per la scrittura in versi e per la lingua.Poiche hanno ricevuto apprezzamenti lusinghieri da le più svariate persone e tra esse, vanto di sicuro orgoglio, quello della compianta Regina Elisabetta II, mi sono convinto a pubblicarne una prima raccolta. Questoè il motivo per cui mi sono rivolto a "Produzioni dal Basso"

"Michele Cristoforo is very passionate about the English language, and this comes across in his poetry.  He likes to use the rhythms of iambic pentameter to convey his subject matter, and the method of repetition.  The use of repetition is reminiscent of a song, therefore the poetry would be suited to this medium."

"Un talento che mi auguro sia sempre valorizzato e che spero nel tempo possa portarLe piene soddisfazioni. Perché custodire e far fiorire le nostre migliori capacità dovrebbe essere sempre una priorità nella vita."

 "Your fascinating poems, which are lovely.  I especially liked the one of the Queen, and your one Past, Present and Future Time. "

"This body of work represents an important milestone in Michele’s journey, and reflects his love of the English language as well as an astute ability to evoke emotion through syntax."

"Certamente, come affermato nel testo poetico, se agli occhi del mondo Montecassino evoca le drammatiche devastazioni provocate dalla guerra, esso è soprattutto un luogo in cui l’animo umano è condotto a comprendere quanto ogni guerra, col suo bagaglio di distruzione e di vite spezzate, sia insulsa e perversa, e quanto l’essere umano abbia bisogno di respirare la pace e di impegnarsi fattivamente per essa.Un plauso dunque all’autore di questo componimento, che ha saputo mirabilmente fondere la musicalità dell’opera verdiana con gli aspetti storico-culturali e spirituali legati a Montecassino, Faro della Civiltà Occidentale."

"Going through Prof Michele's poems attentively, one can surmise in them the free flight of toughts and imagination that speak out the mind and heart of the poet. The galaxy of this reveries canopies the past, shelters the present and stretches out to the expectant future"



90 years old… God save the Queen!...

90 years old…. Long live the Queen!...

90 years old… Times of peace, prosperity, but too, sad events You have seen…

Yet, You seemed to be wrapped up by a Heavenly Light wherever You have been…


I wish I could be too, in St. Paul’s, whilst the Solemn Mass will take place…

That would certainly make me muse upon the paths of Your righteousness life-race…

I wish I could be too, there; whilst Trooping the Colour will take place…

In Honour of You, Great Queen, and Your constant steadfastness in Your life-race…


Your Majesty, I wish I could too, take part in Your greatest yearly festive event

Along the Mall… It will be an honour, pride, joy for You to enjoy the striking event

Amongst people laden with joy, hope, love; but even all sorts of heavy pain…

And You wished, still wish no one could ever more meet pelting dangerous rain…


Your Majesty, You have always lived up to Your ideals in the short and long run…

How many things to remember of what, Your Majesty, has done!...

How many events will be engraved in people’s minds!....

You did help Your nation overcome difficulties and troubles of all kinds…


Great Queen, so many things and feelings do You always highly credit;

Appreciating very much all the people that in society always do their bit.

You always uphold the name of the Royal Family; and the moresof Your Kingdom.

You did feel, still feel Your country as a ‘Unique Big Home’…


Your Majesty, You still save the national pride of the whole British nation;

Letting all people live there free, and enjoy its attraction;

You have acted for the best to avoid or keep in balance the ‘colour bar’;

Wishing every one to live on in the lucky star…


Highly Esteemed Queen, though I live in another land;

I too love Your country. Both peoples are worth of great esteem; and,

They both have to face nippy evils all around…

May a world-wide peace very soon be found!...


I fancy that You, Great Queen, still seem to be glorifying the Eternal Drake…

Woe betide all who dared to break

English laws, honour, respect and pride!...

One still seems to admire his strength, boldness, adventures, by his side…


How do I fancy seeing You, Great Queen, by More’s side, in His ‘Utopian Land’…;

Where justice, peace, happiness, love will never end…

Albeit almost impossible; You still wish, Beloved Queen, weal

For all; hoping no one with poverty and marginalization will never more deal…


Your Majesty, the Eternal Dilemma “ to be or not to be…” by the greatest playwright

Will never be solved; but loving one another would make life more bright…

You are the reigning Queen Who still teaches us to have so much courage of living;

And Who also teaches us that the world will be saved only by loving…


Highly Esteemed Queen, I pray the Lord with all my heart

That You, Your Family, Your People will never be struck by any evil dart…

The longevity in reigning Your country gives examples that will be handed down

To posterity; hoping the flowers of good, peace and love will never turn brown…


Dearest Beloved Queen, I feel like sending

You all my best wishes by sweetly and joyfully singing

“Happy Birthday to You…”, “Happy Birthday to You…”.

May the Fair Wind, bringing You happiness, Blow for ever all around You…

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