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Right to play!

Una campagna di


Una campagna di

Right to Play!

Right to play!

Campagna terminata
  • Raccolti € 55,00
  • Sostenitori 4
  • Scadenza Terminato
  • Modalità Donazione semplice  
  • Categoria Sport & benessere

Una campagna di 


Il Progetto

The UN Convention on the Right of Children recommends that each village allow children to enjoy life by playing in a safe environment within the village. When children "play", they use their imagination, socialize with other members of the community and share stories of their home and life. Many parents in mostly rural areas don't understand that children have the right to play!

What are we going to do?

We are going to organize a huge football competition for every boy and girl in the rural areas near Bamenda. Children will have a ball ;) and at the same time this competition will be very useful to educate parents and local authorities on the children's right to play, really important part of their development.

We are arranging meetings with local authorities, responsible for providing play facilities and  creating safe spaces for children to play.

We will carry out a door to door campaing, where we will discuss the importance of this children's right.

What do we need money for?

As we said before, we are organizing a huge football competition, so we need football kits, shoes, balls, trophies, gifts for the participants. We need to carry out a sensibilization campaing, so we need money to print flyers, brochures, posters, t-shirts...

Who are we?

We are CAMMAY (CAMEROON ASSOCIATION OF ACTIVE YOUTHS), a community empowerment organization. It is managed by democratically elected officials and youths, with the support of elders and other stakeholders.

If you want to know more about us, check our website!


Commenti (4)

Per commentare devi fare
  • gv
    gvastel@hotmail.fr Bon voyage Jorge ! Besos
    • av
      avocadojo@gmail.com Good luck Jorge and Cammay!! Have an amazing time :)
      • jy
        jyhwhnn Thank you M. Garanga for your generosity!
        • ca
          carlos.garanga@gmail.com Je te souhaite la bonheur dans cette belle aventure Jorge