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Fundraising to independently manage my music!

Una campagna di
Giuseppe Randazzo


Una campagna di
Giuseppe Randazzo

Fundraising to independently manage my music!

Campagna terminata
  • Raccolti € 60,00
  • Sostenitori 6
  • Scadenza Terminato
  • Modalità Raccogli tutto  
  • Categoria Fundraising personale

Una campagna di 
Giuseppe Randazzo


Il Progetto

Thanks so much! 

Commenti (16)

Per commentare devi fare
  • TH
    TOM Having the same problem as bellow? Thanks
    • avatar
      Dan Hi, it won’t let me click on the link to download the ‘50 best vinyl” €10 one. Just wondering how to go about it. I have logged in and tried it but does not work. Thanks
      • ul
        uri Hi, what is the difference between the two €10 collections? Are the same songs from Dee-jay essential in the vinyl essential? Lovely stuff
        • avatar
          Giuseppe hi Uri, thanks for asking. No they are not the same. The best vinyl includes 50 songs among the vinyls published by me in the 90s and among the main titles I have added all the various alternative versions that I had never published. That's why there are 50 Songs genre Progressive, house, techno etc .. While Deejay Essential is a new work of 26 Songs of mixed genre between house, jungle, chill-out, trip-hop, ambient and relaxation. However the most requested is The best vinyl, especially by DJs. The best
          4 anni, 2 mesi fa
      • AS
        Alonso hey @roland, you have to donate in order to get files. it doesn't work that way, after you register you contribute! best
        • avatar
          Roland Hi no files,no answer??
          • avatar
            Giuseppe Hi Roland, I wrote you in your mail rolandmarsanic@gmail.com However if you want you can make a donation here! I will then tell you how to download an album. In any case, take a look at your email. Thanks a lot Roland 😊
            4 anni, 2 mesi fa
          • avatar
            Giuseppe Roland, I'm sorry but I don't see your donation here with this name and this email rolandmarsanic@gmail.com
            4 anni, 2 mesi fa
        • FS
          Fabian Hi giuseppe, i just donated 10€ for the vinyl tracks, can you send me a link to download the music to tremmel.fabian@gmail.com? thanks
          • avatar
            Roland Hi where is the final step to pay and to donwload the tracks? I have registered.
            • avatar
              Giuseppe Thanks Roland, tu sei il terzo, you are very kind, thank you very much. You have to give me a day of time because you are the first donation and honestly I didn't hope for it anymore. You have to tell me what you want to download, (The best vinyl?) Or (Deejay essential?), So I send you the link and password where you can download the album. Waiting for your response. Thanks again
              4 anni, 2 mesi fa
            • avatar
              Giuseppe Please give me an email where I can send you the link to download the files. Thank you so much
              4 anni, 2 mesi fa
            • avatar
              Roland Hi whats the difference between the packs? If all the tracks are different id like to buy them both and support your work. My email is rolandmarsanic@gmail.com.
              4 anni, 2 mesi fa
          • avatar
            Udo where i can download the tracks mate? pls send at mnycntdnc@yandex.com
            • avatar
              Giuseppe Thanks Udo, you are very kind, thank you very much. You have to give me a day of time because you are the first donation and honestly I didn't hope for it anymore. You have to tell me what you want to download, (The best vinyl?) Or (Deejay essential?), So I send you the link and password where you can download the album. Waiting for your response. Thanks again
              4 anni, 2 mesi fa
          • AS
            Alonso hello Giuseppe. thanks a lot for the music! big fan from Mexico here. will try to spread the word about your campaign. best,
