Una campagna di
Flora RabittiContattiInserisci il tuo indirizzo email: ti invieremo una nuova password, che potrai cambiare dopo il primo accesso.
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“The poems/songs of Jagjit weave the precision of the concrete details with the intangibility of imagination, the maturity of experience with the enchanted innocence of a child’s sight, wondering on familiar objects like they’ve just created by a magnificent new world”.
“They are the fruit of a brand new experience, beyond borders. The encounter between traditions, which generates a new unpublished form”
(Sandro Portelli)
“The drawings that Flora Rabitti is publishing in this book are born, like the words of Jagjit’ songs and poems, from the encounter of worlds far away, from friendship, from the necessity of expressing a new point of view, sentimental yet political.
There are moments, places, people that became crucial for expressing the possibility of creating new utopias”.
Flora “draws the resonance of the words and the songs of Jagjit in her immagination, building up an authorial and dialectical scenario. She offers a truth made of curiosity, interest and amazement of the vivid stories of other possible lives”.
(Paolo Barbaro)
This dialogue was born in the Lega di Cultura party, a celebration of a community that already lives in the future: where cultures are mixed and create new languages.
The donation will be used for the realization and the publication of the book, to which will follow an exhibition (free) in Piadena (CR) and a presentation in Lisbon.
The book will be in Italian and in Portuguese but, in case of orders from abroad, we’ll attach an English translation for all the texts.
Flora Rabitti
Born in Mantua in 1992, graduated in Fashion Design at Istituto Europeo di Design in Milan. Meanwhile working as a fashion designer (Prada, Emilio Pucci, Alberta Ferretti) she draws of character she meets or she invents, of natural worlds real or imagined.
In 2019 she starts to make drawings inspired by the poems of Jagjit, after participating to the Lega di Cultura parties and deciding to contribute with her art to this celebration of different cultures.
Jagjit Rai Mehta
Born in 1963 in Punjab, 7 brothers. He moves to Italy in 1982. After working in the circus, or as a dishwasher and a cook, he becomes milker in the Cremonese campaign. By meeting the Lega di Cultura di Piadena community, an eclectic mix of identities and stories, he’s inspired to write poems and sing them, wearing his traditional Indian clothes.
To a journalist, asking if after having earn money in Italy he’s going away, he answers back: “I come from afar but I’m not going away!”.
Gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (SDGs) costituiscono una serie di 17 obiettivi concordati dall'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite.
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