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Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India (200-hour)

Una campagna di
Marta Becco


Una campagna di
Marta Becco

Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India (200-hour)

Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India (200-hour)

Campagna terminata
  • Raccolti € 1.835,00
  • Sostenitori 27
  • Scadenza Terminato
  • Modalità Donazione semplice  
  • Categoria Sport & benessere

Una campagna di 
Marta Becco


Il Progetto

Cari amici,

Ho preso la decisione di dare una svolta al mio percorso di studi nell'ambito della meditazione e dello yoga, partecipando, a settembre, ad un teacher training course di 200 ore a Rishikesh (india), la capitale mondiale dello yoga. Il corso si terrà presso la Nada Yoga School, di cui potete leggere qui https://www.nadyoga.org/ .
Il mio scopo è quello di dedicare un mese ad un approfondimento verticale delle tecniche di meditazione e yoga, nonché di dare al mio percorso una svolta di professionalizzazione, in quanto al termine del corso - al superamento dell'esame finale - viene rilasciata una certificazione internazionale, Yoga Alliance, che abilita all'insegnamento. Tutti gli approfondimenti sul corso che seguirò li trovate qui

Voi sostenitori sarete i primi a cui avrò piacere di trasmettere ciò che apprenderò, dispensandovi le mie prime lezioni, ovviamente gratuite. Dunque pensatelo come un anticipo sulle vostre future lezioni!
Per chi fosse interessato, ogni 20 euro di donazione vi darà infatti diritto ad una lezione di yoga gratuita al mio ritorno. Per chi lo yoga anche no, mi farà comunque piacere condividere l'esperienza fatta, rendervi partecipi di ciò che avrò appreso o semplicemente raccontarvi l'aria che tira da quelle parti. Per chi non è interessato per niente ai temi ma mi vuole un po' bene, invece che farmi un regalo di compleanno buttate 10 euro quassopra: giuro che non tornerò in versione Marta new age, non camminerò in sandali d'inverno, non tenterò di sturarvi il terzo occhio con olii puzzolenti e non vi procurerò picchi glicemici dispensando pipponi sull'amore universale.

Di seguito un approfondimento sui contenuti del corso.

Nada Yoga School and Naturality offer a comprehensive and unique 200 hour Yoga and Meditation Teacher Training Program in the holy city of Rishikesh on the banks of the sacred river Ganga, surrounded by the foothills of the Himalayas.  This program will provide training in both the art and science of Yoga and Meditation.

Yoga and Meditation combined with pranayama form a complete spiritual practice, a path to healing, peace and freedom from fear and sufferings. In Patanjali’s Yoga, meditation is the seventh limb which leads to Samadhi. In Vedanta and Buddhism, meditation also forms an important component of the path. Serious students of Yoga require a solid grounding in both the theory and practice of yoga poses, pranayama and meditation.

Whether you are already a practitioner of yoga and meditation or if you are still a beginner, this program will deepen your own practice, and will also enable you to teach a combination of yoga and meditation to individuals and groups.

And that’s not all.

You will also be given lessons and lectures on Naturality by Jivasu and nada yoga & Indian classical music lessons from our best team of professional Indian musicians. And of course, after the completion of the course, you will be provided with the yoga alliance certificate of 200-hours which will grant you the permission to teach yoga internationally.

Whatwill you learn?

In this 200-hour yoga and meditation teacher training course we will be focusing on both theory and practical, so that you are perfect in the practice of yoga and would become a professional yoga teacher both theoretically and practically.


In this section of yoga you will be taught:

  1. Yoga Philosophy: Patanjali’s Yoga philosophy is a unique and comprehensive description of life and consciousness. Patanjani begins by describing the central problem of human life, the Kleshas or negative afflictions giving rise to fear and sorrow. These emotions arise because of a distortion in consciousness (chitta viritti), in which Atma is separated from pure consciousness. Through the practice of the eight limbs of Asthanga Yoga, a person can achieve peace and equanimity (chitta vritti nirodh) leading to the union of Atma with the pure consciousness of Paramatma.Through self-study, talks and dialogue, students will understand why we suffer from fear, sorrow and pain. Then, students will explore the practices of Yama, Niyama, Asanas, Pranayama, Pratyahar (inward flow of consciousness) Dharana (contemplation), and a variety of meditations (Dhyan). The meaning and significance of the Chakras and Kundalini will be explored.
  2. Meditation: Meditation is the seventh limb in Asthanga Yoga. By studying and practicing meditation, a person begins to develop a sustained witnessing awareness of all that enters the field of perception. This awareness leads to Samadhi, the ultimate goal of a Yogi.
  3. Shatkarma: Shatkarma is a practice or an art of cleaning or detoxifying our body and mind naturally. In the theory section, you will be taught – what are the different types of shatkarmas, their benefits, precautions, etc.
  4. Naturality: Naturality is living according to the nature. In Naturality, you will be taught on how to leave a happy and prosperous life according nature.
  5. Yoga Anatomy & Physiology: Yoga Anatomy is the study about your body on how it works. In your anatomy and physiology lectures/classes you will be provided with the knowledge of muscular system, skeletal system, nervous system and detailed study on your spine, joints, etc. After which you will be able to understand which muscle to stretch, rotate, etc. while working on yoga pose alignments.
  6. Ayurveda: Ayurveda is an ancient vedic science that is closely related to practice of yoga. Understanding of ayurvedic concepts will help you deepen the practice of yoga and compose diet and lifestyle that will suit your individual requirements. The lectures of Ayurveda will include study of – Basics of Ayurveda (elements, dhatus, doshas and tastes) Kapha, Vatta and Pitta. Knowing your body type. Daily routine, seasonal routine, diet regime, and much more.


In this section of yoga study you will be taught on how everything is done practically such as yoga asanas, shatkarma, etc. So, let’s look what you will be taught:

  1. Yoga Asanas: Asanas help a practitioner to become more aware of their body, mind, and environment. Your will be taught from very basic to advance yoga poses and will be taught the alignment of every asanas you will be practicing and will also be taught their benefits and precautions to take while practicing or teaching others.
  2. Shatkarma: As already mentioned above, shatkarma is a practice of making your body disease-free naturally. In the practical section you will be taught on how shatkarmas are done. Such as jalaneti (a practice you clean or detoxify your head part by the mixture of warm water and salt), shankprakshalana (a practice to completely clean your digestive tract), etc.
  3. Meditation: You will be taught 10 different types of meditation, some of which include – mindfulness meditation, dream-sleep meditation, etc.
  4. Pranayama: Pranayama is a technique to control your breath while doing asanas, while sleeping or doing any work. ‎The different types of pranayamas you will be taught are – Anuloma-Viloma, Ujjayi, ‎Kapalabhati, ‎Bhastrika, etc.
  5. Music/Nada Yoga: Students who are interested in learning music will be given lessons of Indian classical music by our team of best yoga teachers.

That’s not all. You will also be given workshops on teaching theory, lessons on how to teach students with different problems like pregnancy, knee pain, etc. and the students of different ages.

Commenti (9)

Per commentare devi fare
  • avatar
    Alessio io sono fra quelli che ti vogliono bene... anche se non prenderanno giammai una lezione di yoga :D
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      Luana Ciao Marta. Missione compiuta. Vai e apprendi tutti cio che ti è possibile. Baci 😘😘😘😘
      • il
        ilaria Buon Viaggio splendida creatura!
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          Matteo Have a wonderful Indian training... 😊
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            Lucy Confido sul fatto che non mi ritorni santona....
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              Gianni Ciao Marta ti ho inviato una mia donazione e dovresti aver ricevuto una mia richiesta di amicizia su FB. Anch'io ho un porgetto aperto qua su PDB si chiama Oh No It's Prog e riguarda il finanziamente del cd che sto registrando. Vagli a dare un'occhiata se ti va.
              • RA
                Riccardo Ciao Marta, buon viaggio, buon corso e un abbraccio! <3
                • SM
                  Sabrina  E Brava Marta!
                  • avatar
                    Diego Io credo in te…
