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Musician, self-taught guitarist. After about twenty years of activity as a live & studio session man, I have decided to share my most authentic musical dimension till now unexpressed. Experiences and moods have been transformed into sounds, giving life to these 7 pieces.
An orchestral album with a rock soul, where harmonies and melodies evoke the most powerful and majestic sounds of classical music, in a modern key.
Having conceived these pieces Is a gift in itself, being able to share them would be a blessing.
A crowdfunding campaign was born from the desire to create an authentic album, with real musicians and orchestra. But also from that of making this album an instrument itself for a greater purpose.
I would like to bring a project into schools and share, through personal stories and anecdotes, my journey as a self-taught person who built and realized his dream starting from scratch and with few resources. I would encourage the new generation to enhance and optimize the means at their disposal, in order to realize their own "eudaimonia".
The budget is calculated on the basis of the production, distribution and promotion costs of the album, including as well the cost for producing and shipping the items chosen as rewards.
The recording sessions will be carried out in Rome and will start in May. I'm currently finalizing and writing scores for the musicians.
It will be my concern to update you periodically on the progress of the creation process, in this platform and the other social pages.
I like to imagine these songs used as soundtracks for film productions, TV series, musicals or commercials. However, if someone asked me who I would like to write music for, I wouldn't hesitate to say Tim Burton and Cirque du Soleil.
Their language and their atmospheres are artistically the closest to my soul.
Maybe with your support it will happen :)
Gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (SDGs) costituiscono una serie di 17 obiettivi concordati dall'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite.
Istruzione di qualità: garantire a tutti un'istruzione inclusiva e promuovere opportunità di apprendimento permanente eque e di qualità.
Utilizzo responsabile delle risorse: garantire modelli di consumo e produzione sostenibili.
Rafforzare le modalità di attuazione e rilanciare il partenariato globale per lo sviluppo sostenibile.
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